What to Expect in Hand Therapy
Anxiety is normal! People tend to associate physical therapy as being painful and as a result are very nervous for their first visit. Our motto, at Soma Hand Therapy, is that we want you leaving with less pain and more confidence than when you came in.
We do not utilize aggressive and painful therapy. Some diagnoses will involve some discomfort (such as complex regional pain syndrome and fibromyalgia) due to the nature of their condition. However, we guarantee that we will work our best to provide comprehensive and effective care to maximize your outcome.
You'll first walk in and be greeted by a receptionist. You'll be called back by a hand therapist and be evaluated for your injury. Your hand therapist will teach you about the anatomy and pathology of your injury, what to expect, and issue you a customized home exercise program. Some injuries may require a custom made or over-the-counter splint.
Measurements, grip/pinch strength (if appropriate), and special tests may be performed to assess the state of your elbow/wrist/hand.
Don’t be afraid to ask any questions that come to mind, your hand therapist is here for you!