Our NASHVILLE location accepts the following insurances:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Humana- Tricare/VA (with MD authorization for PPO/OON only)
Medicaid (Certain plans)
Workers compensation- (Streamline | Medrisk | Bardavon | One Call Care | PhysNET)
Farm Bureau Health Plan
MPN-Empire Plan
Nexus ACO R/NR
Veteran Affairs Community Care Network
As of 01/2025, We are OON with the following insurances:
Please contact us at (615) 800-8017 for specific insurance questions or costs.

Understanding Your Occupational & Hand Therapy Insurance Benefits
We know that understanding insurance benefits can be daunting, and that is why we are happy to verify your benefits and answer any of your questions. We highly encourage you to become informed about your own benefits.
Here is a list of questions to ask your insurance company about your specific occupational & hand therapy benefits.
Is a doctor’s referral or prescription for occupational therapy or hand therapy required under your plan?
Does your plan require authorization prior to receiving treatments?
When did your eligibility in the plan begin?
What is the amount of deductible?
What is the amount of deductible paid to date?
Is a Co-Pay required?
What are my annual benefits for occupational/hand therapy? This can be explained in visits per year, or maximum dollar amount allowed per year.
How many visits or how much money do I have left?
Does my coverage run on a calendar year or plan year?